Celebrating 10 years spotit

Spotit Inspire

3 September 2024 | Salons de Romree Grimbergen

Shaping the future of cybersecurity & networking

In today's digital world, cybersecurity and networking are crucial. At Spotit Inspire, we bring together industry leaders, experts, and innovators to delve into the latest trends, challenges, and solutions shaping the cybersecurity and networking landscape. 

Enjoy inspiring sessions and thought-provoking discussions. Get insights, make connections, and level up your IT strategy. Join us to stay ahead of the game!

What can you expect?


Inspiring sessions

Mix & match your agenda with inspiring presentations, hands-on demos or fruitful talks with technology experts.


Special act

Enjoy a performance by stand-up comedian Hans Cools, brought to you from our spotit roots in West-Flanders.


Celebration party

End the night with an unforgettable networking experience and celebrate 10 years spotit with us.

5 reasons why you should attend

1. Gain exclusive insights from key-note speakers working at Cisco and Palo Alto Networks

2. Get up to speed with the latest trends in cybersecurity & networking

3. Meet professionals, industry leaders, and peers

4. Get first-hand experience and knowledge from real-life customer cases

5. Take a front-row seat at Hans Cool's special act and be ready for some serious laughing :-)

Register now


We guarantee inspiring takeaways for all attendees, whether you're a board member, CIO, ICT manager or a technical IT expert.

11:30 - 12:50 Welcome & lunch
13:00 - 13:35 Introduction by spotit & Cisco: back to the future
13:35 - 13:55 Customer testimonial: the digital transformation and security journey of Ajinomoto OmniChem
Start break-out sessions
14:00 - 14:30 How regulations will affect your network & security strategy How to secure the cloud on a rainy day What could go wrong? - The (almost) perfect phish
14:40 - 15:10 5 ways to screw up your network operations Beyond the perimeter: tackling security challenges in OT remote access Take a front row seat at the spotit NOC
15:20 - 15:50 The future of sec ops The usual suspects: Keyser SASE Secure your application in less than 5 minutes
End break-out sessions
16:00 - 16:20 Customer testimonial
16:20 - 17:00 Key-note speaker: Jesper Olsen - Chief Security Officer EMEA at Palo Alto Networks
17:10 - 17:35 Celebrating 10 years spotit by raising a glass together
17:45 - 18:30 Special act: Hans Cools
18:30 - 21:00 Walking dinner and networking event


Learn more about the break-out sessions:

What could go wrong? - The (almost) perfect phish

Join us on an unforgettable journey with spotit's Offensive Security Team. During this presentation, Offensive Security Lead Keanu shares the successes of an advanced spear phishing campaign, and how it all backfired soon after. A spear phishing campaign so convincing it deceived the whole company without raising any suspicion. But at what cost?

How regulations will affect your network & security strategy: a pragmatic view

Regulations regarding cybersecurity are being strongly tightened with new legislations like the NIS2 directive. The Cyberfundamentals Framework will become the new standard on a European level. Is your organization compliant yet? And if yes, where are the gaps to be compliant with other regulations as well? Discover the overlaps and gaps in a pragmatic overview.

How to secure the cloud on a rainy day

At spotit we are always keeping a close eye on the weather - and new technologies. Our experts thoroughly follow-up on new solutions by testing, implementing and analyzing opportunities. During this session, you will learn more about our process and 2 innovating technologies for better cloud security, tackling the current well-known challenges.

5 ways to screw up your network operations

Have you always wondered how easy it is to screw up your network operations? Join our mesmerizing session to take note on which mistakes will ruin everything you worked hard for. Learn which principles and techniques you need to implement to avoid such laughable screw-ups and guarantee business continuity.

Take a front row seat at the spotit NOC

Follow our network engineers on a mission detecting a malicious event and battling the intruder. Watch the magic happen with your own eyes as the team springs into action to eliminate the threat and secure the client's network. 

More sessions will be added soon. Stay tuned!